About 3 years ago, a group of 12 year old Chabad Shluchos got together to create Parsha Projects – a hands-on way to use their creative talents and learn about the Parsha at the same time.
Parsha Projects began as a simple craft video and a handful of subscribers, but over the course of just a few months, subscription expanded considerably and today, the project has over 400 subscribers!
The organizers recently upgraded and now send out a fully instructive craft video plus a cooking video, both connected to the Parsha. Every three weeks, subscribers receive a ‘Draw It’ tutorial, in which they are taught how to draw a picture of the Parsha.
Each weeks videos are accompanied by a Dvar Torah in a poem, Rebbe story of the week, interactive discussion column, Parsha riddles, subscribers’ snapshot and interview, fun pages, stories, joke of the week, contests, and even more!
Not yet subscribed? Subscribe now by emailing parshaprojects5780@gmail.com or visit parshaprojects.org
Its 100% free!

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